Sunday, August 18, 2013

We must save souls

It is very unfortunate. These days we are desensitized to death. Since this is true, how much more are we desensitized by the death of the soul. In continually watching movies on communism and war it is truly tragic to see so much and destruction. Though, why do we not shed a tear these days over the death of souls. It is truly a shame. We have the ability and we are encouraged to save souls by petition to the merciful Sacred Heart of Christ but why do we stall? It is a shame to the Catholic faith. We must always fight for souls. Each day someone goes to hell. Each day a person loses there soul and suffers in the eternal hell fires because of their rejection of Christ. What are we doing? Should we not with every part of our being pray for the conversion of sinners? If our family is sinful should we not pray for their conversion? If we have no pity for those who eat the same bread as us and are literally of the same blood how can we expect to love others? We must learn to save souls. The pivotal point of every Catholic should be to be like Christ and thirst for souls. Everyday should be a day that we fight for souls. If we don't then why are we praying? Yes, we should pray to overcome vice and sin but what about the souls who do not pray. What about the souls who, not only know nothing about God, but flat out spit on his commandments and reject his mercy. Souls... that should be what we fight for everyday.

It is horrific to see the systematic killing of souls on a global scale. The devil in all of his cunning and evil has found a way to destroy the soul as well as the communists destroyed the bodies of tens of millions of human beings. Maybe it is even more efficient. Why? Not only do the government allow atrocities to the soul like pornography, infidelity, sodomy, and so called same sex marriage but also parents allow it as well. Not only do mothers and father allow the murdering of children in, what should be the safest place in the world, the womb, but even those who survive the mass infanticide are brought into a world where they are likely to not receive baptism and receive sanctifying grace. May I remind you that we need sanctifying grace to get into heaven. On top of that they are bombarded with blasphemy, impurity, and pure evil with no one to protect them, not even their parents. Truly, this age is diabolical in all aspects. We must save souls. We must save all those beautiful and priceless souls which the Lord in his infinite love chose specifically so that it may live with him in heaven. Tears should pour in knowing that souls destined for love of God live as if there is no God. Souls...Never forget that Jesus came to save souls. Our religion revolves not around self-fulfillment or enlightenment or even on personal gratification or our personal relationship with God. Our religion revolves around saving souls. Every dogma and prayer is for the purpose of saving souls. Every peace of scripture, tradition, and revelation is for the purpose of saving souls. What should we do? If we have a family member who is outside of the church we should devote our prayers to there conversion and refer them to the blessed Mother. Always start converting the person closest to you. In the new evangelization, I rarely hear of praying for the conversion of souls. I believe that the new evangelization should take a new approach. The motto of the new evangelization should be “Save Souls from Hell. pray the rosary for the conversion of all lukewarm Catholics and fallen away Catholics”. Lets stop kidding ourselves in thinking that nothing but prayer, the holy sacrifice of the mass and growing in holiness will save souls from hell. That is how it has always worked and it still works. Let us learn from the saints how they converted souls. Saints like saint Monica, saint Dominic, saint Francis of Assisi, saint Francis of Paola, and many other saints who by their example of holiness and prayer converted and still convert countless souls. Start today, Save a Soul.
"Jesus, knowing that all things were accomplished,
that the scripture might be fulfilled, said:
'I Thirst'."
John 19:28