357 Days. 8 hours and about 30 minutes.
At that time the next World Youth Day will begin!!!!
I was in Madrid last summer for World Youth Day and I promise you it was incredible. I suspect I will be sharing stories as time goes on!
This time around, getting to Rio is not going to be as easy, in reality the cost is going to really hurt, especially for a guy like me who cannot really work too much during the year. But if at all possible I implore you to go! Start saving up, look for parish groups going. Fund raise!!! It is worth it.
World Youth day is a Festival for Christ. When I was there I was blessed with meeting Bishops and Archbishops, and future Bishops! I spoke with Catholics from all over the world, including some from the underground church of China. It was so spectacular. I was about 60-70 yards away from the Holy Father at the night time Vigil on the eve of the closing mass (do I have stories from that night!). The blessings I received were so numerous I doubt I can recount them all.
So here is a video link to YouTube, get pumped and start saving... if it is possible be there... I am doing everything I can to find my way to Brazil!
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