Monday, August 6, 2012

Blessed are the Pure in Heart

Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
Blessed are the Pure in Heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8)

When continuing on the journey to become a spiritual person, it is inevitable that you will come across obstacles like bad habits, impure thoughts, and vices. These plague the soul, but it does not mean that you are necessarily a bad person or that you are becoming a greater sinner. It means that you recognize the impurities that permeate your soul.This is an advantageous moment when you can examine yourself, and slowly, with grace, begin to correct the bad habits that plague your being.

The soul continually needs to be inspected and cleaned so as to make it a suitable dwelling for our Lord to work in. With God’s grace and the Holy Spirit we are able to build upon and maintain our souls, but to do so we must be open to them. We must pray regularly and examine our conscience so that when we see something wrong with our selves, we can use moments of prayer, meditation, and interior examination to, one by one, cleanse ourselves. If there is something like a TV show or activity that you do that prevents you from being Christ- like, it can hinder your soul from reaching a higher pitch of holiness. We sometimes become distracted and even neglectful when we are tied to worldly things. By  disconnecting from electronics or anything that has little value to our souls, we give ourselves more time to spend with God.

To be pure of heart we must rid ourselves of inordinate desires, and make our only desire God and His will. Start out small, because we can’t become new persons overnight unless God wills it. Devote more time to prayer or listen to some Catholic music.The same way the world saturates us so as to make us worldly, so too must we little by little fill our day with holy activities and actions. “If your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light,” (Matthew 6:22) therefore we must also, if we can, make holy images more frequent in our day.

Pray often, praise often, and ask often, open yourself to him and he will surely give to you all that you need.

Here's song you can listen to as well:Brian Doerksen- Purify My Heart

God Bless You,
Alfonse Amante de Dios

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