Tuesday, August 28, 2012

We're All Fighting A Battle

Always, always, always show more kindness then seems necessary. In everything you do, be kind and show love. No matter who it is your dealing with, be kind. Whether it be a man who cut you off and cursed you out or a rude woman at the supermarket, show them compassion and love. It could be the last crack until they break. I'm talking about breaking their cranky shell and transforming themselves into a kind person who shows love to everyone. Maybe he won't cut off the next person going too slow. Maybe she'll help you reach the cereal off the top shelf at the supermarket. You really never know.

Along the same lines, you must respect everyone. "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting their own battle.". This quote inspired me to write this post. You truly never know what someone is going through. You were just walking down your block and said hi to your neighbor. He completely ignores you as he walks into his car. You automatically judge him and say to yourself how rude he is. Lo and behold, your neighbor just received a phone call saying his sister got into a major car accident with a drunk driver and he's getting in his car to go see her. Makes you view things differently, huh?

Now... that drunk driver. What a heartless little stupid man. No. He's not stupid. He just made a stupid decision...regardless, it was a really, really stupid decision that no one should ever make. But you know what? Maybe he just found out that his sister and brother were shot and killed in their hometown. His only way out was to go out drinking to get drunk. Due to this, he drove drunk and cost somebody their life. In no way am I condoning this reason to drive drunk, I just want to help you view things differently.

Just remember, the next time you're forming an opinion about someone, show more kindness and love than necessary. You never know the struggle that person is going through. I promise you he or she is fighting some kind of battle.

God Bless,
The Heart You Set Free

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