Most would say that doubt is a lack of faith, which is not entirely wrong but there is more to doubt. Doubt is like temptation, it is unavoidable, and natural to humanity. Doubt is a questioning, an inquisitiveness. Like temptation, doubt will present itself often, and like temptation doubt is not wrong or bad in itself. It is a part of the human condition. According to the Catechism, doubt as a word can refer “to hesitation in believing, difficulty in overcoming objections connected with the faith, or also anxiety aroused by its obscurity” (CCC 2088). That inclination in itself is not a fault, it is absolutely natural. The catechism calls that involuntary doubt. There is also voluntary doubt, which “disregards or refuses to hold as true what God has revealed and the Church proposes for belief” (CCC 2088). This form of doubt is a free choice, it is a denial of the reveled will of God, and therefore it is sin. Doubt is also thus a form of temptation because it can lead to sin, but still it provides us with the opportunity to conquer Satan.
So when encountering doubt, before getting discouraged, ask
yourself this, “do I want to believe”, this is not the same as “do I want that
which goes along with belief”. If the answer is yes to the first question, then
you are encountering a natural struggle with the awe inspiring reality of God
and that is OK. Really do not get down on yourself, and odds are if you are
reading this the answer is ‘yes’. Now, with that yes will come the difficult
and rewarding consequences of that choice, but that is part of the natural
doubt and fear you must overcome. The choice not to pursue the faith, the ability
to believe, is voluntary doubt, and at that you must question yourself. Though
you may be struggling to pray, or act with grace, though you may be struggling
with sin and involuntary doubt you are not condemned! If you desire to do
better, or if you ever felt inclined to get down on yourself, that means you
are doing something right, you are learning! Now stop getting down on yourself,
recognize your inevitable struggles with your own imperfection as a consequence
of the human condition as result of original sin and get up off the floor and
pursue faith! That is all. If you want faith, you will get it, it may not be
now, but it will be! Faith awaits those who have the courage to seek it.
I leave you with this: doubt is a hurdle we must all encounter.
Some would say if you don’t climb that hurdle immediately after encountering it
then you fail. That is wrong, the only failure is to relinquish the obstacle
and turn around, or stand still. As long as you are in search of truth, you are
in search of the Eternal Good that is God. You will overcome all doubt if you
try. Seek to overcome doubt, and you seek faith. Seek faith, seek God.
Peter James d`Aqunio
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