So I am going through my stuff: going through my clothes, my desk, my pictures, my safe, my books: and the first thing I did was take my icons off the wall. The religious articles on my wall are rather large and the wise thing to do is pack them first. So I looked at them and saw the nice crucifix which I have over my bed. I only put it up within the last year or so. Now to make a really long story short, I only began to take my faith seriously about two or three years ago, but I never had a crucifix in my room. Not until I came across a really beautiful and simple one in a small nice shop in Madrid last summer. I got home and put it right over my bed so I could look up every night and see my only hope at salvation hanging from the redeeming cross.
I think that is sort of symbolic of my life. The cross
was the last thing I put up in my room. Though it wasn’t in my room first, the cross had become
the most important thing in my life. Actually it was always the most important
thing, but I failed to realize that. I failed to put the Lord at the helm of my
life, as I failed to display the depiction of his sacrifice in my room. I have
tended to neglect the most important things, but now I have my priorities in
order. I neglected God, and I am sorry for that. Now that I know what I know, I
never want to feel as if I am putting anything before God.
So back to the story… I was looking at my icons and my
cross, and I decided, “the cross is going to stay up, yes it will be easier to
pack my cross now, but I am leaving it up.” My faith may not always have been
first in my life but it certainly is now. I just don’t like the way my room
would look without the cross in it. How did I ever live without the crucifix
above my bed? It may have been the last thing in my room, and symbolically in
my life, but it is absolutely going to be the last thing to leave that room,
and it is never leaving my life.
Put God first. Whether it be spiritually or physically,
it is vital to put God first. I place the image of His redeeming sacrifice at
the high point of my room, but what I am saying with that act is the important
thing. I do and always will place Christ as the most important part of my life,
of who I am.
This is so beautifully stated. I have just returned from a woman's retreat and am feeling very full with the Holy Spirit. I returned to the faith 2 1/2 years ago after many years of absence. I am curious about the hanging of the crucifix above one's bed as I currently do not have one there and don't know the spiritual significance of placing it there or if it can be in another place in the room. But at the retreat there was a crucifix above every bed (over 400 of them!) Thank you for your inspiring thoughts about putting God first in your life. God bless you.