Friday, August 31, 2012

Universally United

The beauty of being Catholic... well that is a topic that can and has filled volumes of works. I however am ecstatic over the simple beauties.

For instance: I just walked into the seminary library and sat down at a desk and realized that I was surrounded by CFRs (Franciscan Friars of the Renewal)! I wasn't even phased, but I am writing this post with holy and pious CFR novices (I think) around me. Do you know that there are Catholics all around the world? Do you know that Catholic actually means universal? Well being catholic connects us to a whole world of people!

So if you ever feel lonely because no one else is taking their faith seriously, just remember, you may walk into a library one day and see a bunch of friars, or nuns, or priests!  All over the world people do as you do. So don't feel lonely you are a part of the one true universal church! Rejoice you're not alone!

God Love you,

Peter James d`Aquino

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